The PEI Sports Hall of Fame has extended its call is for nominations for induction in 2020. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the new deadline to nominate is May 31.
The Hall – which recognizes the very best Island athletes, builders, and teams – currently has over 200 members, and will be swelling its ranks by at least four inductees when the celebrations are held this summer.
To be eligible for membership in the athlete category, the nominee must have born in PEI, or lived in the province for at least four years at the peak of their competitive athletic career. They must also have been retired from their sport for a minimum of five years, or be at least five years removed from the height of their athletic achievements.
Builders again must have been born on the Island, or given at least at least ten years of service to Island sport during their time living in the province. Coaches, administrators and officials all fall within the Builder category.
Eligible teams also need to be at least five years past the time of their highest achievements.
The deadline for nominations to be received is May 31 2020. The inductions will once again be sponsored by the PEI Mutual Insurance Company.
More information is available at the Hall’s website at or by contacting Executive Director Nick Murray at 902-393-5474 or
Nominations should be sent to PEI Sports Hall of Fame, 40 Enman Crescent, Charlottetown, PE C1E 1E6