The PEI Sports Hall of Fame & Museum

The PEI Sports Hall of Fame & Museum

Perry, Andrew – Harness Racing

Perry, Andrew – Harness Racing

Andrew “Andy” Perry was a man of many parts whose philosophy on life was simple – “can do, will do”….. He grew up a poor French boy from a fishing family born in the community of Mont Carmel in 1903. During the World War 1, the Perry family moved to Summerside, where...
Poulton, Harry – Harness Racing

Poulton, Harry – Harness Racing

Good evening everyone. My name is Deanna Clow, Harry Poulton’s sister. I am honored to participate in this evening’s Hall of Fame inductions. Congratulations to all the inductees here tonight. It is my privilege to introduce inductee Harry Poulton. Harry trains...
Bower, Phillip – Great Sport Stories

Bower, Phillip – Great Sport Stories

Master Athlete, builder of sport, volunteer, and model citizen – Phil Bower was all of the above and something more.  His sport record reveals a steady string of achievements and successes despite the fact that he was blind. Philip Churchill Bower was born March 17,...
Arsenault, Joseph E. – Great Sport Stories

Arsenault, Joseph E. – Great Sport Stories

Everyone has heard the story of the thirty-year old Canadian being humbled by that spry and apparently ageless sixty-year old Swede.  However, it was Wellington, P.E.I.’s Joseph Arsenault that was recognized in 1932 as the skating champion of the world for his age...
Dowling, Robert “Bob” – Golf

Dowling, Robert “Bob” – Golf

“Robert “Bob” Dowling ranks among the finest tournament golfers ever born in Prince Edward Island. Over the course of his long and distinguished career he has registered over 57 victories. Bob was born in Charlottetown in 1938. His interest in golfing came as no...